Recipe name : Oats-dal-chawal-smilies
1/4cup boiled brown rice
1tbsp wheat flour
1tsp oats flour
2tbsps roasted chana powder
1/2cup boiled masoor dal
Salt pepper to taste
Oil to deep fry as required
Corn and to make eyes ,nose and lips
Method –Grind boiled brown rice with boiled masoor dal.Add salt and pepper, wheat flour, oats flour and roasted chana powder for binding. Mix thoroughly. There should be no lumps. Make patties of desirable size. Use a cookie cutter for shape. Put in freezer for some. After two three hours directly deep fry or steam them in hot oil. Using cheese, tomatoes and cornkernnels , make eyes, nose and lips. Simple, easy , tasty and attractive smilies are ready to serve.
This Recipe was contributed by mom, Rajni Bala.
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