Let us admit that motherhood is a beautiful yet very demanding experience. So, being prepared is the key, especially mentally! You have probably met a hundred new moms but most of them do not share with you the challenges that they are facing with their newborn. Everybody wants to create that impression of being the perfect mother. Well, there is nothing as “perfect” and having a baby is a physical, hormonal and emotional roller coaster for everybody. It is a mixed bag of problems you never knew existed and emotions you never knew you could experience.
Mommies, here is something I want to tell you today;
It’s Ok if you are not able to keep your home clean and organized
Babies literally take over your home once they arrive, There will be toys, diapers and baby stuff all over. So, if you an organisation freak you are surely going to have a tough time. It would require lots of commitment and hacks on your part to keep your place looking neat and sane.
It’s Ok if breastfeeding does not come naturally to you
Breastfeeding is not an easy job to do. Initially, you will find it painful until your body adapts to it. So many of you face bleeding from nipples, infections, poor latch leading to soreness and inflammation, engorged milk ducts etc and still we brave it. So, do not be afraid to ask for help from family members and talk to your doctor. No one is an expert at this from day 1, even if you have read all the books on motherhood. So don’t be harsh on yourself.
It’s Ok If you don’t lose those pounds almost immediately or even after a few months of delivering the baby
It is not magic, you don’t lose those pounds right after delivering a baby. I remember I felt very light after delivering my first kid and was so excited to look in the mirror after delivery. What I got was a rude shock when I still looked 5 months pregnant. Then I thought, if I breastfeed I will lose all that weight and it was happening all around me. My friends were all back to their pre-pregnancy weights. It took me another year to get a grip on things and another few months with focused exercise and diet to lose the weight and tone. So don’t lose heart, everybody is different and you need to first handle motherhood and then look at other aspects.
You will be sleep deprived so it’s ok if you are a bit cranky
You will not be able to get that 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep for another 8 to 10 months, at least. Babies need to be fed, need diaper changes and comforted every few hours. You will be waking up at least two or three times in the night to attend to your baby and you will be tired and cranky. So give yourself a break and don’t judge yourself, there will always be others who do it.
But motherhood is not all that bad, here are some Ups you can look forward to;
You will fall in love with your hubby’s “daddy” avatar and he will respect you in your mommy avatar
With time, all relationships lose their charm. However, bringing a baby home affects your relationship positively. You will find your husband adorable when he takes care of the baby and plays with him to allow you a few extra minutes of rest. Also, husbands tend to become more responsible and mature with a baby around. Fatherhood changes a man in many ways. You will change too, you will be a fiery lioness when any harm comes to your baby and a domesticated cow when it smiles at you. Whether you feel it or not, there is a new kind of power motherhood give you and regardless of your state and shape, you will shine through. Your hubby will love you when he sees you in this role.
You will never be bored again
Babies are full of surprises and with all the responsibilities, expenses and tiredness that they bring along, they are a little bag of happiness and entertainment. From his first smile, to when he first turns sides, to the first crawl and everything in between, you will always be busy and occupied. So, no time to sit idle or get bored. Motherhood is consuming as well as exciting!
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Yes, motherhood is challenging but you will be totally surprised at how you adapt to your new life and rise to the challenges that you never thought you could handle. In spite of all the diaper changes, feeding, fatigue, and worry not, you will love your little angel.
Kishor Kumar says
After seeing everything Archana, my wife, is facing, I can totally vouch for it. Motherhood is one of the most difficult job, profession, designation whatever you want to call it.
Prerna Sinha says
:)It’s great that you acknowledge, please support her too.