Not Your Typical Exam Advice
Every year September is the month that signifies celebrations of Ganpati and October I look forward to Diwali, but this year I couldn’t care less about these two occasions as I had something more on my plate. This year my kid is appearing for his first ever formal examination. No, it isn’t an entrance exam for an IIT or IIM or even SAT, he is just in class five. The built up around the examinations is so much and I like every other devoted mom, have decided to stay put for 2 months and put all my energies teaching him. I have stopped meeting my friends for dinner(this wasn’t tough as they were also in the exact same phase), started saying no to my events and stopped even watching movies. These are some anecdotes that I would like to share from my first tryst with the formal examinations. Beware before you tread forward, this is not your typical exam advice.
How to handle exam stress:
The first day of exams I handled stress by sleeping it off after sending kids off to school. I can only hold the door.
It’s Back To School For Moms
The next day we had study leave and we had a Marathi exam coming up. In my thirteen years of staying Mumbai, I have never needed or made an effort to learn Marathi but the last month and these two days, I am almost there and I received so much support on social media also. Since half my life is on social media, how could it be left behind? READ MORE
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