Power Punched Oats Veg Cheese Balls
Ingredients :
1/2 cup Oats – Roasted and powdered
2 tsps each
– Chopped onion
– Chopped capsicum
– Chopped cucumber
– Grated carrot
– Boiled corn and peas (optional)
– curd
– grated cheese
A pinch each of Cumin powder, pepper powder, mixed herbs and garlic powder
Salt to taste.
2 tsps of ghee
Method :
Mix all the ingredients (except cheese) together.
Add some water if required and keep it aside for half an hour. Alternately, this batter can be prepared at night and stored in the refrigerator when there is a morning school 🙂
Now add cheese and mix well. The batter should be of dropping consistency.
Brush the appam pan with ghee and drop a spoonful of batter in each cavity of appam pan.
Cover the pan and Cook on low to medium flame for about 4 min. Turn over and cook from the other side too.
Pack it in the tiffin with ketchup.
Kids prefer these bite-sized treats as it is easier for them to handle. But, Alternately you can also make chillas with the same batter.
This recipe is contributed by Seema Kakade
In her own words,
As mothers, we would like to provide only healthy food in the tiffin to our kids. But more often than not, the tiffin comes back untouched, breaking our hearts.
So, as every mother, I have been striving to figure out how to make healthy food interesting and wholesome at the same time. Most of these are traditional recipes, to which i have added a modern twist to suit the kid’s interest.These are few of the gems I have discovered along my journey.
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