Confused about what to pack and how to make it interesting in your kid’s lunchbox which is healthy as well as tasty? Want some easy lunch box hacks to make your morning packings easy?
Well, so are we! Deciding what to pack in the lunch box for your kids is a difficult task that all moms are struggling with. Finding the right meal for your kids that will be tasty but at the same time, healthy for them, especially during this monsoon season, it is best if the kids eat homemade instead of eating from the school canteen or outside. Following below are some easy lunch box hacks for a healthy lunch for your kids and also easy for you to follow!
SHAPES ARE THE WAY: Easy Lunch Box Hacks
Kids love shapes. Different shapes make usual food even more exciting to eat. Kids are attracted and much likely to eat the food if they are in different shapes. cutting your sandwiches and bread in different shapes with cookie cutters and packing them for lunch is a great way of packing your lunches. It will be something new for your kids and they will love it and finish everything.
WRAP YOUR APPLES: Easy Lunch Box Hacks
When packing fruits like apples, pears, etc., try cutting the slices and then putting them together and tying them up with a rubber band. This minimizes the air that will affect the fruit and instead of yellow, soggy fruits, you will have freshly cut fruits that will be healthy for your kids to enjoy.
GIVE THEM LIFE: Easy Lunch Box Hacks
To make your food interesting, give them life. Try adding some googly eyes with little mouth stickers to make it look as if the lunchbox has some life to it. This makes your lunch box very interesting and fun for the kids to eat.
PREPARATIONS: Easy Lunch Box Hacks
It is always recommended for moms like me and you to be prepared beforehand. Moms with kids who go in the morning have a tough time making the lunch box in the morning. Preparing the lunch material the night before helps you to easily make the lunch easily. This will save you some time and will also be easy to do in the morning. make your ingredients for the recipes ready the night before
SMALL IS GOOD: Easy Lunch Box Hacks
Try slicing down your food so that your food is just one bite big. This is not only convenient for your kids but it also gives you more storage space in your lunch box so you pack extra food than usual for a filling lunch for you kid.
SPONGY-SPONGE: Easy Lunch Box Hacks
Kids love fresh food in their lunch boxes. If the food is soggy, kids usually tend to skip it and prefer not eating it. This little can be solved with a little sponge. Wet your sponge with a water, lock it in a ziplock bag and place it in the freezer and let it freeze overnight. Packing the frozen sponge bag in your lunch box will not only help keep your lunch box safe but will also keep your food fresh. Even though it does not look like a great idea, it definitely works and gives the best results.
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These easy lunchbox hacks will help out all the fellow mothers who cannot decide what to pack for their kid’s lunch every day but also care for their kid’s health and want to maintain good eating habits even when they are around. These ideas will keep the moms as well as the kids happy!
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