Eat fast, or you will get late. The school van will be here anytime.
Mom, I am not hungry!
Sounds familiar? These are the sounds that are heard in my household every day and maybe even in yours. While we are asking them to eat quickly, kids test our patience and vulnerability by eating little or nothing at all. As moms, we just can’t put our mind to ease until the kids have eaten well and trust me even if we do give them everything that we think is right for their nutrition we still have that inkling of self-doubt.
So what can we do to make this easier for both you and your kids? These are some things that work for me;
1. Involving them
One thing that really works for my kids, no matter what the concern, is involving them in the process. Whether it is shopping for groceries, which my kids absolutely enjoy or searching for recipes and even cooking them. When they get involved in these processes they are excited about the end result and who doesn’t want to try something they have made from scratch?
2. Setting rules
I have seen kids work well with rules and patterns. Make rules along with them(involving them here will make these rules last longer). So when it comes to food we have set rules like they can have their burger/pizza/noodles etc once a month and the day they have it they have to have salad and fruits in equal quantities to compensate for it. I even let them create a week’s menu of their choice in a month, of course, we negotiate on topics like ‘too much sugar’, ‘this can be high cholesterol’ etc with them while setting the menu. You will be surprised when dealing with them logically and giving them the power, they do come out with reasonable choices and that helps me set the rest of the month as per my choice.
3. Experimenting
Eating the same recipes put across on a plate can be very boring. When I cut them into different shapes and decorate them well, they can’t resist them. They will at least try it once. Another simple thing that has worked for us is moving from regular juices to cold press juices, they are tastier and healthier (as most nutrients get preserved in the process), and this also came through one experiment. While my kids hate tomato, juicing it along with carrot and apple worked and they drank it with much pleasure. So keep experimenting!
4. Hidden Gems
Sneak in vegetables and fruits into other foods. While my kids love playing safe when I present colourful idlis(like using spinach for green colour) or cakes(adding fruit pulp for fruits like oranges, apples which actually give it a taste lift). There is a chance they won’t eat it even after this but they will be willing to try and if they like it, then you have managed to add that one extra recipe in to their diet.
Another thing that works for me is adding PediaSure in the milk. My younger one (5 years) is fussy and likes his milk plain. Many years back when my elder one was 6 years old, a friend introduced me to PediaSure. We have been using it ever since.
Did you know PediaSure is a scientifically designed formula with 37 Nutrients which provides complete and balanced nutrition and has shown to support growth and development? This helps support immunity and brain development, something that I have observed over the years as well.
When PediaSure asked me to associate with them, I was more than willing as this is a product that we have been using for years. We bought our new box of PediaSure nutrition and decided to share it with you mommies.The PediaSure box comes tightly sealed and includes a scoop spoon to give you the exact measurement, as recommended by the brand.
My elder kid is now 10 and no longer uses PediaSure; for my younger one I add two scoops of the vanillaflavourPediaSure powder, so the milk looks white and I can meet his daily calcium and Vitamin D needs.A glass of PediaSure has so many hidden nutrients:-
I give him milk twice a day with PediaSure nutrition, for breakfast and once in the evening. Giving him plain milk will not meet his nutritional requirements. PediaSure is one thing I would suggest to add to your kid’s food chart. For all you mommies who have never used PediaSure earlier, you can either use it with milk and put in 3 teaspoons of powder or mix 5 teaspoons in warm water and give to your kid for maximum benefits. But it’s always best to just follow the instructions on the box for the best results.
Nutritionist, Vidusha Parasharsays, “Breakfast is the important meal of the day — many mothers are unable to feed their child healthy breakfast and they go to school with a just a glass of milk at times. If your child only consumes milk he will not be able to concentrate on his studies as he will become hungry in almost an hour when the milk gets digested. Most importantly, your child will slow down his/her metabolism which will lead to obesity in future.”
- Take it easy
Finally, moms, I would like to say do not stress too much about food. When foods are used to reward kids and show affection, they may start using food to cope with stress or other emotions. Offer hugs, praise, and attention instead. It’s normal for children to like something one day but dislike it the next.We also grew up as fussy eaters and aren’t we sorted now? So keep at it patiently, setting a good example and have faith that your kids will pick up healthy habits from you.
PediaSure is a great source for all those missed nutrients for your kids, click here to purchase PediaSure online or just head out to your local chemist or grocery store for a box. Now that our box is opened and is being used, we will soon review it for your all.
Disclaimer: – PediaSure is NOT FOR CHILDREN WHO ARE LACTOSE INTOLERANT or who have galactosemia. This post is in association with PediaSure and was relevant to me and the blog as my kids have been using PediaSure for years. My findings on how to deal with my kid’s nutrition requirements are my own.
#90DaysWithPediaSure #MyPediaSureJourney
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