Ideas to keep your kids busy this summer. 

By Maa Of All Blogs

Summer Vacation is just upon us and this is probably the only time that kids look forward to more than their birthday.

Summer Vacation is just upon us and this is probably the only time that kids look forward to more than their birthday.

Maintain a Daily Journal. Bring back the lost art of keeping a diary. Ask your kids to write down daily a bit about what they did that day.

Make a scrapbook. Let the kids choose a topic – sports cars, cricket, inspirational men and women, a recent holiday you took- whatever excites them.

Remember those olden days when blackouts were common?

The whole family used to come together around a single candle. To keep ourselves occupied, we used to tell stories, sing songs and play shadow games on the walls.

This is another way to get the whole family together for hours without gadgets. You can choose from a variety of fun or educational board games and jigsaw puzzles.

Encourage your children to read for at least an hour a day. Join a local library so that they have access to a wide variety of books from every genre that might interest them.

Help your kids put all those hundreds of cousins, aunts, and uncles into perspective by mapping your family tree as far back as you can remember.

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