Why Are There No Facebook Groups For Dads?
In the world of supermoms, working moms, and hands-on SAHMs who are constantly juggling many roles to prove to the world there is a person, an entity who consciously, sublimely is supporting us in his own non-commital way and today let’s talk about him. It’s father’s day today and the least we can do is give them the limelight for once.
In this era, where parenting seems to have become rocket science and I see more and more Facebook, Whatsapp groups springing up with moms trying to bond over their kids and their woes, how do the dads remain so non-commital? So are they just not interested or are they so well experienced in parenting that they don’t need a 4 am or a Facebook friend to reaffirm in their beliefs? This had been on our minds for some time and we just wanted to ask a few dads to clarify our thoughts and sometimes we should let them do the talking too.
He helps them in their studies and plays with them. He believes in giving them the freedom to do what they want with constant encouragement and wishes to be with them all the time.
Sanjay Thampy is a finance professional, a daddy blogger and his beautiful girls also blog. He believes in being a friend to his daughters than being a strict parent. Now that they have reached adulthood and adolescence, he has tried to grow up with them to understand their needs at that age and be the way they want him. When they were kids, he had actually tried to “grow down” for them to be their age.
It is really unfortunate that though there are quite a few mommy groups in the social media, few of which I too am a contributor from a Father’s point of view, there are no dedicated groups for Dads. I feel that probably the job of a father is quite underrated and that’s the reason. By no means undermining the importance of a Mom in a child’s life, who I accept is the most important figure for a child, a father is also equally important and his presence in the life of a child is instrumental in their making. This aspect needs more awareness on the social media.
The discussion would be centered on is how dads can be an equal partner and homemaker and be a total support system to the Mom in moulding their kids to be the best human beings and excel in life.
He is a strict and a disciplinarian father.
One thing that I cannot tolerate is kids going all cranky and creating a scene. My kids know my eyes. One look and they know what they are doing is not approved so they stop. While I am a strict parent, I am also goofy and a kid with my children. They know they can expect me to join in their play time; whether it is playing with blocks, building towers, playing catch or even playing Uno. I would like to improve the amount of time I am able to give them. Work keeps me busy for the better part of the day. By the time I get home they are tired. Weekends is all I can spare for them whole heartedly!
Your views on Facebook Group?Dads are know all! If there was a group that was there for Dads, they would be discussing which teacher in which school looked how hot on a given day!
Allan Dsouza is a dad to three-year-old twin boy and girl. His parenting style is a mix of authoritative and permissive.
As a dad, Allan would like to encourage them to do whatever they like and at the same time following the house rules is most important sleeping on time and having the correct technology and outdoor playing time. He does not like comparing them to other children hence not building the peer pressure for them.
I am a parent to two kids so no favouritism both are loved equally and reprimanded equally. Praise them for whatever little they achieve, maybe just drawing one line in their drawing book, have seen their face changing to pride with this little praise. A good thing about me as a dad is being an almost hands-on Dad being there all the time in their initial 1.5yrs and a thing to improve would be to give more time to them have been busy with work and work pressure. So yes, would like to change that and spend more time with them.
Allan seems like a hands-on dad but like every other dad he is not sure about the Facebook Group for dads
I am not sure about having Facebook groups for dads, if there was I am sure every dad would by just displaying pride and love for their little ones.
Aah, btw we asked many dads around and even though we couldn’t feature them all this was the most common opinion.
Facebook groups or not, dads are definitely concerned about their kids and don’t need reaffirmation from others to raise their kids. And as one of the dads said to us, we really don’t need the limelight as it’s much less work.
Happy Father’s Day to all the superb(not super but just human) fathers out there :)!!
That was amazing reading about how Dads feel in general about parenting.
I know I am not a perfect dad and this piece of writing has enabled me to understand kids from different perspectives too.
Thanks Prerna for compiling this wonderful feature and a special thanks again for considering me a decent enough dad to be featured here.
I would be happy that I have done my job if my daughters feel I have been what they had expected of a Dad, I don’t want to be a super Dad, I just want to be the Dad they want.
Prerna Sinha says
As parents, we are always judging ourselves and it’s natural but I am sure Sanjay you are a great dad :).