When I was a kid, we stayed with my paternal grandmom. Every night, she would tell me mythological stories and in the day we would debate on random topics. She was an avid reader and had very strong opinions. While she is no more, I always feel very connected to her and it is because of her that our family and extended family is close-knit. Today, my kids do not even get the time to visit their grandparents very often. We live in different cities and sometimes I feel like they are missing out on a lot of fun anecdotes on life because of it.
We as parents, sometimes can’t connect with our kids. Call it being strict or our high expectations from them that drives them away. Grandparents, however, have this magical ability to make our kids smile. They have the time, patience, and experience which we fall short of while dealing with our kids and situations.
In fact, I believe that kids spending time with grandparents shows fewer signs of depression in both the parties. Grandparents feel immense support coming from the grandchildren because they think that the kids understand what they feel. I even found this study that talks about the powerful connection between grandparent and grandchild, published in the journal Child Development.
Grandparents have only, unconditional love, for their grandkids and since they may be retired and relatively more free than the parents. They know how to fill in the gaps for overworked or single parents. If you want happy children able to process emotions, you should definitely invite grandpa or grandma over for a little chat.
While spending time with the grandparent your kids learn about the family tree and family bonding improves. If you are wondering why this is important, it basically improves the kid’s social skills. I have seen my mom sharing stories of my childhood with my kids, sometimes with pride stories of my achievements and sometimes stories of my childhood pranks just to make them laugh. Yes, I might be a link between them but the bond that gets created is beautiful.
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Not only for your kid, but also for your parent, it is therapeutic to spend time with your kids. When I see my father-in-law lose patience with my hubby at times for being super busy and giving him little time, but smile when my kids or my niece play with him. Or when my mom calls and all she wants to know is how my kids are doing and what they want her to make for them. I know for a fact that grandchildren are their link to the future and grandparents are my kids peek into the past. Staying together may not be an option all of us can exercise, but definitely promote them meeting more often and their unique bonding.
Shaivi says
Very well said. I stay with my in-laws and I realise there are so many advantages.