Most of us use a laptop or a mobile very often for long hours and during that we are always looking down thus creating a lot of load on our necks.
Your head in the neutral position weighs around 5 kgs and when it’s bent at a 60 degree angle this can go upto 27 kgs on the spine. This in long term leads to neck pain and even cervical for severe cases.
Here are some simples asanas that work on different areas of the neck and relieve you of the neck pain.
1.Cat Cow Pose
Come on all fours on the mat. Make sure your shoulder and palms are aligned. Now inhaling lift your upper back up and bring your chin closer to your neck. Exhaling drop your back creating and inward curve and look up. Repeat 7-8 times. The pose helps stretching the back of your neck.
2. Thread the needle pose
Start in table top position. Place your left hand and exhaling you will take from inside and rest the left ear, shoulder and hand on the mat. Stay for 7-8 breaths and repeat on the other side. This gives a side stretch to your neck
3. Melting heart pose-
Start in the table top position. Now try and touch your chest to the floor, hands stretched forward. This stretches the lower and middle point of the neck which is otherwise difficult to stretch.
4. Rabbit Pose
Start in table top position. Try and touch your head to the mat and bring it as close to the knee as possible. Now catch your heels with both your hands for balance. This opens the area between the thoracic and cervical spine. It relieves stress from the neck.
5. Bridge Pose
Lie down on your back. Fold your knees and bring your ankles as close to the buttocks as possible. Now engage the core, catch your ankles and lift up. You can also interlock the fingers instead of catching the ankles. Stay for 7-8 breaths and release. This is great to stretch the back of your neck.
You can follow this video to see how these asanas are done;
So wrapping up, what I would suggest is to always keep your laptop or your mobile at an eye level while working so that there is no stress on your neck. Take breaks every 30 minutes and do some neck rotations.
I hope this post helps you combat neck pain. If you have any questions you can leave them below.
disclaimer: If you have severe neck pain or have had a neck operation, do not push to a point when it starts hurting. These are only meant to stretch the neck and give relief.
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