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And the Innocent face strikes again!

What do you do when your kid is just too cute yet naughty?For every mischief he does, he compensates with a smile, kiss or a hug.Hardly ever raises his voice or throws a tantrum but gets upset if he doesn’t get his way. These amazing qualities belong to my ‘little devil in an angel’s garb’.
I thought I had seen it all after Eeshan, then Ahaan happened and like the little Abhimanyu he learnt ‘how to keep mummy happy’ tricks while he was in my womb.I am just increasingly finding it difficult to control this cutiepie . He is such a silent mischief monger that you only get to know damages long after they are beyond repair.

I have blogged earlier about how he peed on my Macbook, recent incidences have been like dropping my Ipad and saying ‘Oh,ho!’ and bathing my mobile in milk.And he does it with such innocence and speed that before you know it it is done.I am starting to believe, he has a particular affinity for gadgets .
Oh did I forget to mention, how he once threw my Blackberry out of the 7th floor balcony while it was charging.The idea of writing all this down is to have memory and proof of these damages and once he grows up I might be able to remind and make him understand then and if I get lucky i will extract my damages,hehe!!Evil mind at work here.

I was recently reading a Q&A column which the Poddar school principal gives advise on and there was a parent who mentioned the similar problem with an older child.So maybe it does develop into a behaviour ,that remains to be seen.However right now he remains a menace.I really hope to find these answers someday ,in the meanwhile I shall struggle to keep my valuables safe ;0)!

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