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How New Moms Can Find “Me time”

Motherhood may have been described as a joyous experience over the ages but sometimes it can hit you like a catapult and every time you try and come up you feel like drowning. Overwhelmed, hitting exhaustion levels, cranky, moody? These are all signs that you need to stop and take a break. Find that “me time” for a lady to maintain her sanity. The responsibility of being a mom is full time but it is very important to have at least some minutes in a day by yourself.

Go for a walk or Exercise

When your baby is small, it might not be possible for you to leave the baby at home and join a gym but what you can do is to go for a walk around the block or practice yoga at home. Delegate the task of taking care of the baby or toddler to your husband for half an hour and take a stroll to refresh your mood. Exercise helps to keep you fit and also helps to release happy hormones called Endorphins. Listen to some music while you walk to elevate your spirits!

 Enjoy a cup of coffee with your favorite cookies, mindfully

 The choice or coffee or tea is up to you. The point is to enjoy your cup mindfully. Try to feel the warmth of the cup, try enjoying the aroma, appreciate your surroundings while you savor the taste. Do this little exercise outdoors so that you can breathe in some Oxygen and enjoy the cool breeze. Practicing mindfulness is meditative and helps you prepare for a challenging day ahead.

Sharing here what a friend shared with and makes perfect sense to focus on positivity.

 Take a nap

 You must have heard about “sleep when the baby sleeps.” It is very important to catch up on sleep to not end up looking like a Zombie and to give your body ample rest. So, if your toddler or newborn is sleeping in day-time, take that as an opportunity to rest. The house chores can wait. When your baby is small, you and the baby are more important than a pretty house.

 Take a relaxing bath

 Your toddler is at the playschool for two hours, yippee! Why not turn your bathroom into a spa! Light some aromatic candles, fill up the tub and drop those bath bombs into it. Let the warm water take away your body aches away. Use your favorite loofah and bath gel to wash the stress away. Trust us, this small act of yours can be therapeutic.

First of all, warm water with some Epsom salts helps to reduce your muscle aches. It also is a great way to detox your body. Secondly, good scents and soft music relax your mind and make you feel lighter about life in general. Also, the essential oils in the bath bombs moisturize your skin and make it look healthier. Basically, maximise on your “me time”, soak it in and stay with the pleasant memories.

If you have a new baby, you can express milk and keep aside and any member of the family can take over while you use this time. Obviously, you can’t do it each time, so let your family know a few days in advance that you will be taking an hour or two off on this day.

 Write a Diary or a Blog or just Read A Book

 Being able to write a diary or blog about your thoughts and experiences is a great way to unload your over-occupied mind. It makes you feel a lot lighter. The best part is that your ways of coping with things and your personal experiences can help so many people, out there. Blog when your child is busy playing or taking a nap or is away for preschool. Maybe just unwind with a book.

 Don’t shy from asking for Help

This is one mistake we all moms do, we believe if we ask for help or share with others that we are not able to cope up, then we will lose some kind of rating as a mom. I made the same mistake with my elder one. In the end, I was miserable and cranky every day. Babies are a lot of work and your body is going through changes as well, so take it easy. Just ask for help. If you don’t have family around, hire help. Who doesn’t like a baby? They will be happy to tend to it for some time and that will be your window to relax.

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These were some ideas that can help you feel happy about life and not be overwhelmed with taking care of kids! Trust us on this, you will be a much better sister, mother, and wife if, you make yourself a priority every now and then. So, make sure that you have some “me time” every day, this way or that way.

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