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Thin Is Not Fit! We Need To Change Our Perspective On This!

Thin is not fit

Thin is not fit

I can say I have gone through the whole circle when it comes to being thin-to fat-to fit. Why am I even picking this topic? Because it hurts me to see how ignorant at times people are when it comes to this.

How many times have you told people, oh you have put on some weight?


Wow! You have lost so much!!

Trust me I think if we were to monitor women conversations, I think 60% of the times we discuss weight and diet, 20% kids and 10% maids, all other topics don’t stand a chance. So I thought of clearing this one misconception people have.

Here are three terms you need to make yourself familiar with


Let’s tackle THIN is NOT FIT  first !!


Thin is NOT weak either!!

You might think you know this, but tell me have you recently met a lady or a man who is little on a plumper side and you have seen them slog in the gym, run, swim like a pro and haven’t wondered,

” She exercises so much, I wonder why she hasn’t lost weight”

or seen a petite girl who just started gymming and not gone and told her why are you doing all this, do you want to disappear? And then wondered when she can lift the heavy weights that you never imagined she could.

And also, FIT does not necessarily mean HEALTHY!!

So imagine a person who runs daily and doesn’t even lose a breath while running, but the moment he/she reaches office it’s a desk job, add late evenings and that necessary glass of beer and late night parties! Well, that’s exactly the person who is fit but is definitely leading an unhealthy lifestyle.

This is again where people make the common mistake of mixing fitness with good health. Yes, fitness is the key to a healthy lifestyle but so is managing stress, eating right and sleeping well.

Studies by Scientists at the Mayo clinic support the fact that many individuals with the so-called normal body weight and BMI had high percentages of body fat, the disposition to cardiac diseases and various degrees of metabolic disorders. So, effectively they were equally likely to develop coronary heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic illnesses when compared to certain obese individuals.

Here is some #MaaGyan for you!!

Stop being obsessed with Kilos and Pounds

Total body weight is a criterion for an overall assessment of your health and not a definitive one. So, weighing scales might mislead you and can actually disguise your odds of getting a heart disease.

Do an assessment of your body fat

You can ask your doctor or request your fitness center for body fat assessment or body weight analysis. The method used is non-invasive and would give you a fair idea of your body composition. A body fat percentage higher than 30 percent is considered detrimental for your health.

The need to track this fat every six months or at least annually is required.

Lipid profile

A lipid profile is a test done after withdrawing some quantity of your blood. Your doctor can prescribe this test for you. This is a routine test done in most diagnostic labs. This test measures your Cholesterol and Triglycerides. You will get readings for HDL, LDL, and VLDL.

The test results which should ring the bell are low HDL, high LDL or VLDL and elevated triglycerides. High blood sugar and blood pressure are risk factors for lifestyle diseases as well.

Target to shed your belly fat

If you’re diagnosed with Normal Weight Obesity, you must aim to reduce your belly fat. Waist measurements above 35 inches for women and 40 inches for men are considered unhealthy. You can reduce your visceral fat by following a simple exercise plan that involves cardio, strength training, and interval training, on a daily basis. Also, you need to ditch refined Sugars and Carbohydrates.

Pay Attention To What You Eat

A lot of us do comfort eating and don’t even realise how much is going in our bodies. If you just really pay attention, the body always tells you when it is full, when it wants to eat. Don’t starve it and don’t eat just because it is time for dinner. Give it rest at times by fasting. Trust me, this along with a proper fitness routine and you will not need to follow any fad diets and you can maintain yourself without harming your body.


Is the most neglected aspect of our lives. A lot of us gloat in the fact that they need less sleep, the others pay more emphasis to late night parties or early morning fitness routine but whatever the reason long-term effects of depriving your body of sleep can be very harmful.


Again not much attention is paid to it. Your body needs iron to make hemoglobin-rich red blood cells, which carry oxygen from your lungs to your muscles. So if haemoglobin is low, you may feel weak and tired.

Finally, you will be surprised but the overweight individuals could actually be at a lesser risk of diseases, provided their body-fat percentage is less than 30 percent and their blood tests turn out to be normal. So, yes people, sorry to burst your bubble but Thin is not Fit and being Fit does not necessarily make you healthy!!


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