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Why Sleep More? 5 Yoga Poses For A Good Night Sleep

The current trend is to be night owls. If it’s not work, it’s late night parties! Have you ever wondered to change your lifestyle with age? As we age, the bodies ability to handle lack of sleep and to perform better without proper sleep goes down. This does not mean staying up late in the night is good for kids or for young adults. We all know that kids need to sleep for a minimum 10 hours and adults at least 8 hours. A lot of us don’t give it enough importance but here are some pointers that you need to sit and take notice. Most basic and commonly known effects of lack of sleep;

I don’t need much science to prove these to you. I am sure if you have not been sleeping well for a few days, you would have noticed some or many of these symptoms. What you may have noticed that some of you claim you don’t need to sleep more than 4-5 hours a day as your body has gotten used to an insomniac pattern. The post today shares how yoga can help induce sleep.

How yoga can help you unwind

Below you can find five yoga poses to help relieve tension in the body and the mind. You just need 10 minutes and can even extend to 30 minutes to practice them, depending on your interest but they will ensure a relaxed sleep.

  1. Savasana – Corpse Pose

Usually, it is done at the end of all yoga practice to calm down all senses and this is also the best way to end your day. You can listen to a relaxing music while doing this.

Just lie down on your back. Spread your feet little wider than shoulder distance apart. Hands spread out palms facing upwards. Relax your back and shoulders, shut your eyes and observe your body as you exhale and inhale deeply. Try relaxing every part of your body.

Savasana or the corpse pose

  1. Anuloma Viloma – Alternate Nostril Breathing

In our day to day life, we do not use both our nostrils to breathe. Also at times when we get lost in something deep we stop breathing, this causes anxiety. Breathing consciously helps release tension and energizes us. Anuloma Viloma is a yoga breathing technique which can be practised any time of the day. Sit in any comfortable position, cross-legged or in with knees folded.

Anulom Vilom

Keep your focus on your breath. This exercise slows down the breath and the heartbeat. Since you use both your nostrils, both sides of your brain receive oxygen.

  1. Shashankasana – Child’s Pose

Sit in vajra asana ie knees folded and hips resting on your feet, back straight. Now bend forward, without raising your hips(hips should keep touching your feet) and try to touch your forehead to the floor. Stay in this positions for five breathes(deep inhales and exhales). Now slowly raise your limbs one by one till you are back to the sitting position. This will release any tension in your body.

Childs pose

  1. Supta Baddhakonasana – Lying Butterfly Pose

Baddhakon asana is a very good yoga pose to increase hip flexibility. This asana releases tensions in the hip joint which also helps remove emotional tensions.

Supta Baddhakonasana

Legs-up-the-wall pose

After a whole day of standing on your feet, this pose helps release tension from your lower limbs.

Just lie down on your back and touch your hips and lower limbs to the wall to form a 90-degree angle. This makes sure that there is improved blood circulation in the lower limbs.

Don’t undermine the benefits of a good night’s sleep. A relaxed mind and body function more efficiently than what you may give it credit for. I practice Shavasana and Anulom Vilom whenever I can, for my kids before they sleep and they love it. Not only do they sleep more soundly, they also wake up brighter. These can be used by anyone irrespective of age, playing a relaxing music helps. It’s high time to give sleep its due credit.

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