18 months..just 18 months have changed my view to life….That’s exactly how old my baby is! And, no i am not counting the period when he was inside my ever so protruding belly….Why? Because I believed it was a phase where I was still my own priority! And then my baby arrived…he just transformed my entire space.It was all about him.I had to eat what was good for him and not what i liked,when i was feeding him.Sleep when he was sleeping and not when i wanted to. Socializing seemed a far fetched option unless it was with friends who had babies.Life seem totally out of the book “How to be a little Sod”.I had read it while he was still in my belly.I often wondered if he had somehow read it too!Maybe the ‘Abhimanyu’ concept was true. Oh,how i wished he would grow up quickly so that i could have my life back. Slowly, he started crawling and i was pleased as i saw that i don’t have to carry him around always.But soon i realised that he could reach and grab the cd case and the reach for the books on the lowest rack of bookshelf.And now i had to resort to making the home childproof.Then ,he started standing up with support and the first thing he did was reach for the TV remote…new age kids.I wished he would start walking soon,when he finally did i was ecstatic . But ,little did i knew that he would now be running after the neighbour’s ball and banging himself to the door.There, my kid was no more an infant but a toddler already! He is growing fast and now when i look at a baby,i miss the dependence with which he needed me for his feeds,his play,his sleep.His world was me and now there is this whole new world exposed to him. |
This was my first ever blog…..so decided to link it to this chain!
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