I remember when I had Eeshan, my firstborn I was so well prepared, or so I thought. I had been to lamaze classes, read all the books on pregnancy and also listened to all the advise my doctor or my elders gave to me. But the life that came to me once the baby was born was ‘out of my box’ ! Till then I had always been an organised person, who liked to keep her house set in a particular way, my hair was always neat and I was always groomed well.
The first shocker came, when I realised that even though I had delivered a good 3.85 kgs baby and my placenta had been removed, I still looked five months pregnant. I somehow believed that once I deliver the baby I will magically lose all my tummy. I did lose 10 kilos in the first month, but the tummy and the stretch marks never went.
I remember struggling trying the baby to latch on to me for feeding. All books, videos, tutorials, made it look so natural. Not only was it tough, initially it could be painful.
While I was so prepared for my pregnancy, no one had told me that life after a baby, or at least initial few years can be so tough. I realised I could not go out for movies( nobody likes wailing kids and they can wail at any time without notice ) or go for shopping or dinner with friends even if you carry your baby along( the baby can be hungry at anytime and I have had to run and feed him in toilet in malls). Luckily, nowadays we have creches or baby feeding areas in malls. And let’s not even forget losing countless hours of sleep trying to clean, feed or just cajole the baby. Basically from being a casual girl I had soon transformed into a hypochondriac mom !!
With age and experience now I have calmed down. For those who may not know, now I have two boys aged 9 and 4. I have learned and unlearned and I believe am still on that journey, but for new moms all this can be very overwhelming and what I have seen not too many understand the pain of a new mom, not even other women who have gone through childbirth. But sometimes, it can become too much for a new mom to handle and we should always be there to listen to her, help her or make it easy for her.
Yummy Mummy Survey is a survey commissioned by AC Nielson on How husbands feel about pregnancy and their pregnant wivesand body issues faced by women, covering major Indian cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Pune, Ahmedabad, Lucknow, Ludhiana, Jaipur and Chandigarh. The data has been compiled after speaking to 1100 people, 100 from each city.
72% new and expecting mothers/fathers mentioned Aishwarya Rai as the Yummiest Mummy in Bollywood now.
In its second year, the Yummy Mummy survey also reveals that 77% new and expecting mothers/fathers mentioned Abhishek Bachchan & Aishwarya Rai as the ‘Yummy Parents’ of Bollywood; only goes to say that Abhishek Bachchan is standing out as a role model for young fathers and fathers-to-be.
The survey has thrown up interesting insights like:
- 92 % of new and expecting fathers agree that they want their wives to look the way she used to look before the pregnancy
- 89 % new dads and dads-to-be agree that they actively take steps to make their wives a Yummy Mummy
- 67% new and expecting mothers/fathers associate beautiful skin with Yummy Mummy
- 75 % new and expecting mothers in India agree that they are afraid of scars and post-delivery recovery in the aftermath of a C-section surgery
- 82% of new and expecting fathers agree that they will buy beauty products for their wives to reduce pregnancy stretch marks and lines
- 91% of those surveyed agreed that they want their wife to be a Yummy Mummy
Today we are in a conversation with Dr. Kiran Coehlo, a leading gynaecologist of our country sharing her insights on pregnant women and their issues of body consciousness.
Nidhi says
Very informative and relatable topic. Thanks for sharing!
Prerna Sinha says
thks Nidhi 🙂