So much planning goes in getting that perfect vacation, however, we do not ever foresee what lies ahead and beyond that. Yes, ground reality! I am victim to such delusions. I love to look forward to my break and scared to peek beyond that. When I come home after a month-long holiday, what do I see?
A dirty home! A month-long vacation means exposure to dust, heat, and insects. Not being around to clean the house at regular intervals can only mean a dirty home!
Househelp has vanished. When we take off, they do too. And in my experience they never come back on the promised date.
Rotting food – Almost 50 % of times you would have forgotten some perishable item stacked somewhere, which will start rotting . Sometimes the kids will place it in some forbidden secret place which you will only discover when you smell something rotten.
Things that I had left to do after the vacation has become longer than I expected. This pains me the most. While preparing for the vacation, I would have created a list of things that need to be finished while we are away, for e.g. pay the school fee before you go, get the bathroom lock fixed before you go and so on. But in my rush and general excitement, we would leave things for later and definitely a few more get added when we are back.
Humungous piles of clothes that need washing and ironing. When we travel we tend to pack excess and never plan on how big a pile it will be once we get back. And of course, who washes or irons clothes on a vacation ?
Work that you can’t ignore anymore! While all your out of office mails were working for you during the vacation, it is finally time to respond to them and get back to working. Since you have been away, this means slogging!
Welcome back… or rather go back on a vacation to revive from this !!
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