I am starting a new blog today,you may wonder,having written three blogs why would I start a new one.No it’s not that I have so much to write ,but because I have finally listened to the advise of all my friends and well wishers and decided to consolidate my various blogs under this blog which is aptly named ‘Maa of all blogs’ ;0)!
I pledge from today to consolidate all my energy and creativity in this blog and keep you entertained,also all my previous blog links will redirect you to this blog.
I pledge from today to consolidate all my energy and creativity in this blog and keep you entertained,also all my previous blog links will redirect you to this blog.
Yaa Devii Sarvabhuuteshhu Maatrirupena Sansthitah
Yaa Devii Sarvabhuuteshhu Shaktirupena Sansthitah
Yaa Devii Sarvabhuuteshhu Shaantirupena Sansthitah
Namastasyaih Namastasyaih Namastasyaih Namo Namah
Goddess is omnipresent. She is the personification of Universal Mother.
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