What Are The Indicators To Look For To Know Your Kid Has Low Confidence Issues?
Is your kid shy? Gets nervous in a crowd?
Have you ever wondered what might be causing his under confidence?
Have you noticed thatĀ or she is short tempered, stubborn, does not like following instructions.
You may not even realise but it’s connected to low self esteem.Ā A child who is not comfortable with who he or she is will display erratic behaviour and temper tantrums.Ā Low self esteem means that the kidĀ is not comfortable with his own self which in turn leads to such a behavior. he or she would feel less happy, more anxious, and more upset than any other kid. With age these issued become deeper
Their restlessness can stem from many factors, like being teased by peers, seeking attention or just not being to expel that extra energy they have. Yoga always helps let meĀ tell you how.
What Can You Do To Build Your Kid’s Confidence?
Pay Attention To Your Kids
Watch, observe and listen to your kids. Watch what they are doing, rather than paying attention to their angry words. Make sure you don’t push them to let you know the issues, wait for them to calm down and find that one moment, where they are pacified and want to open up. Observe their emotions rather than only reacting to their emotional outbursts.
Spending attentive quality time with them is very reassuring for them.
Focus On The Positives
Under confident kids anyways have a low opinion of themselves and are very self critical. Also, because of their erratic and behavorial issues they tend to get a lot of negativity from people around. As a parent, we have to constantly keep lifting them up. Show them time and again what they are good at, give them positive feedback even if you think they could have done better. With your support they will gain confidence and slowly regain their confidence and actually start doing better.
Yoga Poses To Build Your Kid’s Confidence
Practising yoga regularlyĀ improves concentration, focus, and flexibility. It also uplifts y0ur mood and removes stress and anxiety. All these help to build confidence in your kids. Here are some poses you can make them do to increase their confidence;
Ā Tell them to feel strong
Warrior Pose: Make them go in a lunge and the open their hands in T- position. Focusing and looking at the centre of their fingers.
Tell them that they are warriors. They look fierce, feel strong and now they are ready to go and fight any troubles the world faces.
Tell them to be kind
Stand tall, now shift all your weight on the left leg. Lift the right leg up and place it on your left thigh. Raise your hands up and stay for as long as possible. This pose helps build their focus.
Pretend to be a tree.
Tree Pose: Tell them to sway like a tree and think of trees being kind by offering shade, creating oxygen, and providing homes to animals.
Ā Tell them that they are brave
Go in a deep lunge. Bring your right knee to the ground and point your toes. Left leg is in a lunge and left knee should not cross the left ankle. Keep both your hands outside the left hand on the ground. Look forward.
Dragon Pose.
Tell them to imagine that they are a dragon breathing out fire.
Tell them to Happy
Lie down on your back. Catch toes with your thumb and index fingers, bend your knees and try and bring them close to the ground as much as possible. Now rock from side to side.
Kids nowadays are wired up so this pose really helps them connect to happiness and childhood. Make them lie down, hold your toes and rock side by side pretending to be a little baby and let your worries melt away.
When you make yoga playful for them they love it and they will feel immense benefits even without realising. Do these and watch them grow into smart and confident human beings.
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